Singer | Mika Singh |
Music | Devi Sri Prasad |
Song Writer | Ramajogayya Sastry |
yahoon yahoon song lyrics in Telugu:
à°–ోà°²్ à°¤ెà°°ి à°–ిà°¡్à°•ి à°–ోà°²్ à°¤ెà°°ి à°–ిà°¡్à°•ి
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yahoon yahoon song lyrics in English:
khol teri khidki khol teri khidki
khol teri khidki khol teri khidki
welcome chepputhadi life andariki
lets party party right now o soniye
lets party party right now
khol teri khidki khol teri khidki
welcome chepputhadi life andariki
lets party party right now o soniye
lets party party right now
lets live lets live like there's no tomorrow
lets sing lets dance
like we don't know the meaning of sorrow
bujji life idi manalni nammukunnadi
danni muddu chesi haddu daatudam
yahoon yahoon bolo yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon main bolu yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
khol teri khidki khol teri khidki
welcome chepputhadi life andariki
lets party party right now o soniye
lets party party right now
life anedi style gunna jeans pant ra
chirugulenni unna dont care it
jivvumanna champaigne nuragalekkalo
all the time josh pongale
rekkalunna dreams unnay
gallo thele guts unnay
crazy crazy thoughts unnay
kiss me andi open sky
jet speed lo freaky attitude tho
long drive kelladam life tho
yahoon yahoon bolo yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon bolu yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon main bolo yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon bolu yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
are you ready?
oxford dictionary lo dorakanandi ra
zindagi ka asalu sisalu meaning
oxygen lo swachamaina oopiredi ra
dantlo anandanni chesi chudu mixing
celebrations ki zone laa
sambarala cyclone laa
live like a full moon aa
cmeon every second rock on
aa choti zindagi size penchalenidi
deenlo happiness range penchudam
yahoon yahoon bolo yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon bolu yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon main bolo yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon bolu yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
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yahoon yahoon song lyrics in English:
khol teri khidki khol teri khidki
khol teri khidki khol teri khidki
welcome chepputhadi life andariki
lets party party right now o soniye
lets party party right now
khol teri khidki khol teri khidki
welcome chepputhadi life andariki
lets party party right now o soniye
lets party party right now
lets live lets live like there's no tomorrow
lets sing lets dance
like we don't know the meaning of sorrow
bujji life idi manalni nammukunnadi
danni muddu chesi haddu daatudam
yahoon yahoon bolo yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon main bolu yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
khol teri khidki khol teri khidki
welcome chepputhadi life andariki
lets party party right now o soniye
lets party party right now
life anedi style gunna jeans pant ra
chirugulenni unna dont care it
jivvumanna champaigne nuragalekkalo
all the time josh pongale
rekkalunna dreams unnay
gallo thele guts unnay
crazy crazy thoughts unnay
kiss me andi open sky
jet speed lo freaky attitude tho
long drive kelladam life tho
yahoon yahoon bolo yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon bolu yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon main bolo yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon bolu yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
are you ready?
oxford dictionary lo dorakanandi ra
zindagi ka asalu sisalu meaning
oxygen lo swachamaina oopiredi ra
dantlo anandanni chesi chudu mixing
celebrations ki zone laa
sambarala cyclone laa
live like a full moon aa
cmeon every second rock on
aa choti zindagi size penchalenidi
deenlo happiness range penchudam
yahoon yahoon bolo yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon bolu yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon main bolo yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
yahoon yahoon bolu yahoon yahoon
come on everybody bolo yahoon yahoon
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